
Since 2008, the JOBLINGE concept has gone beyond the placement of young adults.
Our target group benefits from reliable and trustworthy support, especially in the critical phases of life: The start of a new career.
Since 2020, basecamp has been channeling our successful training support into an offer for all trainees.

This support during training is now funded by the public sector with the AsAflex program, but has been a part of JOBLINGE since 2008. After all, a neutral advice center that supports the successful completion of an apprenticeship is good for companies, trainers and, above all, trainees.

Why expert support is needed during an apprenticeship

With starting the apprenticeship the participants of our program have taken the most important step. Subsequently, however, it is essential for the successful completion of the apprenticeship and thus sustainable integration into the labor market to support the trainees during their apprenticeship as well. According to the 2021 Vocational Training Report, one in four trainees drop out of their apprenticeship. Reasons for this include conflicts with superiors, poor working conditions or unrealistic career expectations. Experience has shown that the target group of our participants is increasingly affected by these challenges.

Our training mentors actively prevent trainees from dropping out by clarifying potential conflicts and problems at an early stage and supporting the training process through close communication – both with trainees and with the training companies and vocational schools.

85 percent of our alumni complete the probationary period of six months, thus overcoming the critical time for dropouts.

Since 2020, we have created an explicit place for support during training. The basecamp combines all of our experience in training support since 2008.