
In shopping centers, parks, in workshops and on social networks – we speak to young people in their natural habitat. Our approach is unbiased, motivating and at eye level. Our unique recruitment campaign called “PLAN A” takes place offline and online and often represents the starting point of professional life for young adults.

However, we are expanding our efforts with the programs JOBLINGE family, Steilpass and work4u. With JOBLINGE family, for example, we are targeting young mothers and fathers, encouraging them to seize their opportunities in the job market and reaching out to them via i.e social media. Steilpass, on the other hand, is aimed at up-and-coming footballers who can gain professional security through an apprenticeship. With work4u, we support Ukrainians and people from third countries quickly and unbureaucratically in overcoming the hurdles to labor market integration.

Why show the way into the profession

As of 2023, there are around 630,000 young people under the age of 25 in Germany who are neither in school, training, studying or working. Only 1/3 of them are officially registered as unemployed. Over 400,000 of the so-called NEETs (not in employment, education or training) are no longer reached by the responsible authorities and are therefore not systematically activated to step into the primary labor market.

This is where we offer suport – with years of expertise, an understanding of target groups and close contacts with the public sector and business.

Since 2018, we have been taking the step towards these young people with PLAN A. PLAN A shows them “you belong, your first plan should be an apprenticeship”. After all, skilled workers are always in demand, a foundation from which stable plans can be made. We also work with various specific projects to activate young people.

PLAN A typical atypical

The profiles of young people who cannot be activated for the job market by job centers and employment agencies vary. With PLAN A, we address young adults where they are. With apprenticeship tutors on the street and in hotspots. Via advertising campaigns in social networks. After registering with PLAN A, young adults are usually provided with concrete initial support within 24 hours.

Scientifically based

Over 630,000 young people under 25 are not in school, work, training or study.
We are scientifically investigating the reasons for this and how we can reach these young people.

Personally activated

With PLAN A, we activate those young people for training who can no longer be reached by the job center or employment agency.
We address the target group in their own environment – both online and on site via promoters.

Fast and concrete

At best, a young person only lacks orientation. Our experts have the right tools to quickly gain insight into the wishes and fantasies of young adults. In the fast track, a young person can enter the job market within a few weeks. More intensive support is provided by JOBLINGE

Direct contacts

For many of the young adults addressed, PLAN A results in an apprenticeship after just a few weeks. Concrete, rapid support, career guidance, workshops and then a training fair with companies from the young people’s region. This is how we bring companies and future trainees together.