Safeguarding Policy

Success factors in the category "Self-image of the organization"

The success factors described below are the result of a series of dialogue formats in which a large number of educational organizations and funding foundations participated in 2021 and 2022.
The starting point for this dialog was extensive preliminary work with partners from the scientific community (primarily educational research, psychology and behavioral economics) in 2020.
The success factors outlined here, including
The success factors listed here, including practical examples, serve as a starting point for the urgently needed dialog on effective offers at the school-to-work transition.
They do not claim to be exhaustive, but rather show which elements have a high potential for impact and where the focus can be placed when making changes and further developing programs.

Clear definition as an organization/intervention: Who are we/who are we not?

All employees are aware of their role and responsibility.

” We are not a school-based tutoring service.
Our geographical concentration is in Hamburg with a focus on schools with a similar attitude.”
(MUT Academy)

“We support young people with difficult starting conditions in their integration into the labor market.” (JOBLINGE)

Clear demarcation: what exceeds our expertise as an organization?

Employees know the mission of their organization and recognize the limits of their expertise in good time.

“In the event of psychological or family problems, we refer them to other relevant actors.” (MUT Academy)

Attitude of educators: "Responsibility for change lies with us, not with the target group"

The attitude that all young adults have the right to be inspired and that it is our responsibility to ensure exactly that.

Sharpening the pedagogical concept

Balanced relationship with education and clarification of intervention: humanitarian or pedagogical/educational