New partnership with Lern-Fair

Since April of this year, we have enjoyed an exciting new partnership with the Lern-Fair organization to fight educational injustice together and give young people a better future.

Together for more educational equality

Both we and Lern-Fair share the vision of equal opportunities in education, regardless of social, cultural or financial background.
This cooperation is a further step towards closing the gap between background and future.
Together with Lern-Fair, we are making a significant contribution to ensuring that even more young people can achieve their educational goals.
We are also tackling the problem of young people dropping out of education.
In Germany, around 27% of all apprenticeships are discontinued, with 22% not starting a new apprenticeship.
By providing intensive support during training, we want to work together to prevent drop-outs from occurring in the first place.

What does this cooperation look like in concrete terms?

At JOBLINGE, we are committed to supporting young people with difficult starting conditions on their path into the job market.
The partnership with Lern-Fair offers JOBLINGE participants the valuable opportunity to receive additional digital learning support during their training and thus increase their chances of a successful professional future.
Lern-Fair has been offering free learning support for students in grades 1 to 13 since 2020.
Through our collaboration, the offer and its target group are now being extended to apprentices for the first time.
At Lern-Fair, JOBLINGE participants receive support in the subjects of chemistry, mathematics, physics, economics, German as a second language and IT – exactly where the need is greatest.

Specifically, 1:1 tutoring takes place digitally and free of charge.
The learning assistance is provided by qualified volunteers who respond to the individual needs of the students.
After an initial meeting to clarify needs, flexible, location-independent support is offered to help them overcome academic challenges, deepen their knowledge and successfully complete their training.
In addition, social and methodological skills are promoted, which are crucial for the job market.

We would like to thank all our partners, supporters and volunteers who have accompanied us on this journey!

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