Career guidance measures for young people

Success factors in the category "Career guidance measures for young people"

The success factors described below are the result of a series of dialogue formats in which a large number of educational organizations and funding foundations participated in 2021 and 2022.
The starting point for this dialog was extensive preliminary work with partners from the scientific community (primarily educational research, psychology and behavioral economics) in 2020.
The success factors identified here, including
The success factors shown here, including practical examples, serve as a starting point for the urgently needed dialog on effective offers at the transition from school to work.
They do not claim to be exhaustive, but rather show which elements have a high potential for impact and where the focus can be placed when making changes and further developing programs.

Practice access

Simulation interviews with real employees from training companies, etc.; company tours, getting to know role models Experiences with and inspiration from people from the real world of work are generated.

Enable young people to experience self-efficacy (allow for potential but accompanied failure)

The participants get to know each other (sometimes for the first time) in a safe environment.

Involve real companies firmly and at an early stage

Companies are involved in the work with young people as early as possible. “Trainers, trainees and “Junior MUTivators” (former participants) are involved in “MUT rehearsals” and company fairs.” (MUT Academy)

Playful strengths analysis with the young people

The young people test their strengths in a playful and physically tangible way using practical tasks.