Once a quarter, we present all the latest developments, highlights and topics from our JOBLINGE locations.
Find out what our colleagues and participants were up to in quarter 03/2024 here!
News from Plan A @ School: With the start of the new school year in September, the project of the
9th grades.
A total of seven
classes at the Willy Brandt Team School in Wedding will receive intensive support until the end of the
10th grade.
As part of this project, workshops are offered to analyze strengths and provide comprehensive career guidance.
Another highlight is the largest face-to-face fair of the year for apprenticeships and internships, which takes place on 25.09.
in cooperation with the IHK.
Twenty JOBLINGE partner companies have already confirmed their participation, and over 300 young people are expected to attend.
During the STEM week at the Westend site, the participants were given exciting insights into STEM professions.
They visited the “Young Inventors” and received an introduction to the Calliope robot and the Open Roberta Lab program.
They also learned how to build virtual worlds with CoSpaces and then presented an apprenticeship in virtual reality.
Another special success was achieved by participant Mahinur from Schöneberg.
Despite not having a school-leaving certificate, she impressed us with her motivation and curiosity and secured an internship at MotelOne at our job fair in April – even though all the places had already been taken!
On 01.08.
She started her training and is over the moon.
The kick-off of the cooperation with the IHK Berlin is particularly pleasing.
From September 1, we will be pursuing the common goal of preventing apprenticeship dropouts.
The first workshops have already been booked and we are looking forward to the coming months of cooperation!
A lot going on in Munich: At the end of July, gAG Munich hosted an application marathon with volunteers from Amazon and AWS (Amazon Web Services).
Numerous applications were sent out and there were valuable tips for cover letters and CVs.
All of the young people’s questions were answered individually.
The conclusion of the young participants: “Very helpful, fun and great tips!”.
One of the highlights was eating pizza together, where all the participants were able to get to know each other better.
In addition, interesting company presentations were given by Hörgeräte Seifert, the Schreiner Group and Deutsche Bahn, which gave the young people a deep insight into the respective work and corporate culture.
For many participants from the 3/2024 group, the exciting phase of training is now beginning, for which many confirmations have already been received.
We wish all new trainees (a total of 40 this year, who were placed via gAG Munich on September 1) much joy and success in their new career start!
gAG Rheinland also has a lot to report: In Troisdorf, the launch of “JOBLINGE@school” as well as the “Digital+” and “AsAflex” programs is imminent.
JOBLINGE has successfully established itself in this region and was able to prevail over other competitors with the AsAflex tender thanks to JOBLINGE’s expertise.
There is also a new colleague at the location, and the entire team is looking forward to welcoming the new students and participants in the programs.
The orientation and qualification phases of the JOBLINGE program are running very successfully in Cologne.
A school project with a partner school in Cologne is also being planned and is due to start in the fall.
The workshop for IW Junior was held successfully and the cooperation with the Cologne Institute for Economic Research is showing new ways for successful partnerships.
Hand in hand with important multipliers in the business world, IW Junior relies on the expertise of JOBLINGE.
The partner event together with the Boston Consulting Group, which took place on September 12 in Cologne, was also particularly pleasing.
Under the leadership of JOBLINGE gAG Rheinland Executive Board member Dr. Georg Keienburg (Managing Director & Partner at the Boston Consulting Group) and Supervisory Board Chairwoman Gisela Walksen (former District President), the focus was on exchange and networking.
Great news: Heike Hofmann, Hessian State Minister for Labor, Integration, Youth and Social Affairs, is the new patron of gAG FrankfurtRhineMain.
As part of her Summer Tour 2024, she visited the Frankfurt basecamp on August 21 and officially received her certificate of appointment.
gAG Frankfurt is delighted to welcome her as patron and looks forward to working with her.
Another reason to celebrate in Frankfurt: All three trainees at JOBLINGE gAG Frankfurt have successfully completed their apprenticeships in office management.
Two of them completed their training as mothers on a part-time basis and were even able to shorten it.
Two of the graduates have already been taken on: Sophie is now a permanent member of the basecamp team in Frankfurt, while Vanessa has been recruited for gAG Südwest.
Welcome once again!
There is also good news in Darmstadt: On September 1, 2024, Dicle Madenkuyu will start as the first trainee at the location.
Interviews are currently still underway for the Frankfurt location.
Finally, news about the new image film from KPMGwhich is also about the social commitment of employees.
Some of this was also filmed at JOBLINGE Wiesbaden, which was a great pleasure for the location and JOBLINGE.
Important and unfortunately not good news in Bremen: Due to planning errors and the resulting budget cuts at the Bremen Jobcenter, a number of support programs will be discontinued there in the second half of the year.
For the Bremen location, this means that no more participants can be accepted for the regular program in 2024.
As a result, we also had to reduce a large part of the team on site or deploy them in other roles.
Thankfully, we were still able to maintain the work for disadvantaged young people in Bremen in a different form thanks to the great support from politicians and our local advisory board.
The task now is to set the course for secure work in 2025 – naturally also with regard to our core program.
In Hamburg, the group boom comes after the summer slump: in August, two groups were able to start the regular program again.
In addition, in the new school year in Hamburg, a comprehensive job tasting program will be implemented in collaboration with the first school, which is fully funded.
It will start with a 5-day job camp, followed by individual coaching sessions and topic-specific workshops over the course of the school year.
Thanks to the Startchancen program, the school has additional funds at its disposal, which are used specifically for career guidance in one of its practical classes.
Another highlight at the Hamburg site in October will be the 10th anniversary celebrations of gAG Hanse.
For a decade, gAG Hanse has been working with young people looking for an apprenticeship.
Together with regional partners, participants and alumni, we will look back on the past 10 years.
At gAG Leipzig, the past few months in the Klassik program were dominated by the placement of participants for the start of training on 1 August and 1 September.
This period also saw the completion of the training of many of the accompanied trainees, followed by a possible subsequent placement in employment.
One highlight was the alumni meeting with over 40 guests to celebrate together.
In August, gAG Leipzig also hosted JOBLINGE’s internal town hall, which all employees were able to join online or participate in live at the Leipzig location.
Our big team event, the so-called “wevent”, is coming up in mid-September, when all JOBLINGE employees will travel to Leipzig to exchange ideas and celebrate together.
We are really looking forward to it!
The Kompass program is in the middle of the admission phase for the last group start in 2024.
It looks promising that a full group will start again this time and that JOBLINGE Kompass will be able to close the calendar year with over 100% capacity utilization.
In addition, there were more and more training commitments for Kompass participants.
There were also successes in complex individual cases involving third-country nationals and participants with tolerated status.
They have made use of their potential as employees by obtaining training places or starting work as a skilled worker, thus securing their stay.
With the start of the school year in Saxony, gAG Leipzig’s Saxon IT education initiative TechTeens is also entering the next round.
In the new school year, TechTeens will not only be active in Leipzig, Leipziger Land and North Saxony with its diverse educational programs, but will also be expanding its activities for the first time to the Dresden region and the beautiful Ore Mountains.
Companies or individuals who would like to support the TechTeens initiative in its educational work are welcome to contact Project Lead Patricia Fedorov.
There is news on the Supervisory Board of gAG MRN: at the last Supervisory Board meeting, Tanja Knickel (Global Human Resources Director at John Deere) and Elmar Benne (Vice President Vocational Training & Development at BASF SE) were welcomed as new members of the Supervisory Board.
We are looking forward to an exciting time together.
We would also like to thank Dr. Thomas Peuntner and Dr. Markus Hermann, who have left the Supervisory Board.
The celebrations continue, as the examination ceremony with AsA examinees, lecturers and mentors took place in July.
26 trainees passed their exams – also thanks to the 62 volunteers and honorary lecturers who provide tutoring at AsA.
All of the candidates have either been taken on, have already found a new company or are starting master craftsman school in the fall.
Congratulations to all of them!
In addition, gAG is delighted to have received two funding commitments.
The John Deere Foundation is supporting the basecamp in Mannheim 2025/2026 and the Foundation of the former Stadtsparkasse Ludwigshafen a. Rh.
Stadtsparkasse Ludwigshafen a.Rh.
will support tutoring in Ludwigshafen in the future.
We are very pleased!
There has also been a lot going on at the basecamp itself over the past few months.
Numerous exciting workshops have been held on various topics, such as learning strategies, finances, rights and obligations in training and trainer workshops on Gen Z. And the best thing is: more workshops are already planned. Register here.
In August, gAG Ruhr hosted an exclusive partner event at GELSENWASSER AG.
The occasion: 10 years of JOBLINGE in Gelsenkirchen.
After the welcome address, the beginnings in Gelsenkirchen were looked back on.
The focus was then on the JOBLINGE Vision #2030.
A proud look back, full power ahead – because that’s part of JOBLINGE’s DNA.
Always there: our partners from the business world.
The development of new target groups, the innovative approach to NEETs via PLAN A or the stabilization of our alumni at basecamp – all innovations that we can only get off the ground thanks to our private sponsors.
On the other hand, this picture emerges: budgets in the area of labor market integration are decreasing, while the need for effective measures for young people without vocational training continues to increase.
However, we see the planned austerity measures in the 2025 federal budget as an opportunity to initiate significant structural improvements in the transition from school to work – especially in times of dwindling public funds.
Another current topic: With the Climate Worlds program module, gAG Ruhr introduces participants to the topics of environmental protection, the energy transition and climate change.
Important topics for the future for all of us, but also new opportunities that offer great career prospects for each individual.
The JOBLINGE Climate Worlds are our “Green Deal for more equal opportunities”.
Michael Burger and Cheyenne Albrecht from AGR, a long-standing partner company, informed and educated the participants at the basecamp about the circular economy.
And yes, it was about waste!
Not an exciting topic for an apprenticeship?
Quite the opposite, because waste is not just waste, but is an important resource for energy generation and the circular economy.
JOBLINGE gAG Südwest celebrates 10th anniversary and this is something to celebrate!
We therefore cordially invite you to the anniversary celebration of JOBLINGE gAG Südwest at the SpardaWelt Event Center on 13.11.2024.
Under the motto “Highway to #2030”, we are also looking to the future.
After all, the #Vision2030 states that by that year, we will have helped 100,000 young people into training throughout Germany.
Together with you, we would like to shed light on the growth levers that gAG Südwest is already using and which impact figures are of particular importance on this journey.
Look forward to an impressive program and toast the past 10 years together with us in a festive atmosphere – to the Highway to #2030!
Please click here and register via this link on Eventbrite
This is an evening event.
Your physical well-being will be catered for.
The venue is the SpardaWelt Eventcenter, at Hauptbahnhof 3 in 70173 Stuttgart.
We look forward to seeing you there!