New program in the gAG FrankfurtRheinMain thanks to ESF+ funding

What is the project about and what are its goals?

Thanks to extensive funding from the Hessian Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration from the European Social Fund Plus, we will be able to implement the JOBLINGE 360° project in the coming years.

The components of the project are:

  • The aim is to raise awareness among young people and young participants for professions in which there is a shortage of skilled workers but are also professions of the future that can open up a wide range of career prospects.
  • Digital training support via the peer learning approach is to be developed as a digital basecamp and implemented in the existing offering.
  • The job-related vocabulary app GESAGT.GETAN is being further developed and introduced into our participants’ program.
  • Employees can receive further training in the area of peer learning.
  • The strategic findings from the predecessor project JOBLINGE Hybrid are being further developed.

Professions in which there is a shortage of skilled workers are professions of the future that offer young people a wide range of career prospects.
With the JOBLINGE 360° project, we want to raise awareness of these professions among our target group and enable them to enter these professions.
The focus is on vocational orientation, vocational language support and training support.

This project is funded by the European Union and the State of Hesse.

Your contact person

Christiane Schubert

FrankfurtRhineMain, Frankfurt Kompass, Darmstadt, Mainz, Offenbach, Wiesbaden

Managing Director

0177 6029001
