Minister for Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy and Deputy Minister-President of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
Honorary Board of Directors
of the gAG Ruhr
Jens Baier
Senior Partner and Managing Director, The Boston Consulting Group
Honorary Supervisory Board
of the gAG Ruhr
Friedrich P. Kötter (Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
Board of Directors Westdeutscher Wach- und Schutzdienst Fritz Kötter SE & Co. KG
Bärbel Bergerhoff-Wodopia (Deputy Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board)
Member of the Board, RAG-Stiftung
Dr. Marc Schlette
Chief Human Resources Officer and Labor Director, thyssenkrupp
Garrelt Duin
Regional Director, Ruhr Regional Association
Dr. Dirk Jannott
Lawyer/Partner, CMS Germany
Peter Renzel
City Director (Social Affairs, Labor and Health), City of Essen
Dirk Opalka
Senior Vice President – Head of Business Line Site Management, Evonik Operations GmbH Technology and Infrastructure
Prof. Dr. Rainer Strack
Partner and Managing Director, The Boston Consulting Group
Helge Kuprella
Managing Director, GELSENWASSER-Stiftung gGmbH
Regional partner of gAG Ruhr
The JOBLINGE regional partners play a key role for JOBLINGE gAG Ruhr through their extensive commitment.
Shareholders of JOBLINGE gAG Ruhr
CMS Hasche Sigle Verwaltungs GmbH I KÖTTER Group I RAG-Stiftung I Stiftung TalentMetropole Ruhr gGmbH I The Boston Consulting Group GmbH (BCG) I TRIMET ALUMINIUM SE
Public sponsors
Partner of gAG Ruhr
JOBLINGE partners support the various locations of the local gAG with the help of various forms of engagement.
accenture Holding GmbH & Co. KG I Adecco I APD Ambulante Pflegedienste Gelsenkirchen GmbH I Aurubis AG Recyclingzentrum Lünen l Contilia GmbH I Fremman Capital l Globus Stiftung I GFOS l IKEA I Medion AG l NICKEL Wirtschaftsprüfer Steuerberater I Noweda l RGE Servicegesellschaft Essen mbH I RoundTable 191 Essen I Sparkasse Vest Recklinghausen I Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield I Ventus Capital Management GmbH l EDEKA Rhein-Ruhr-Zukunfsstiftung I ZINQ